It’s Okay To Not Be Okay.


I don’t want to make some cliche post about new years resolutions, so I won’t. Rather, i’ll make it about change, which is just a tad less cliche. In order to bring in the whole idea on change, i’m going to have to explain the journey that brought me here, to this point, this very thought. But before that, here’s a little disclaimer. I like to practice transparency, so, I’m going to be transparent. This is me, my brain, simple as that.

2015, oh goodness, 2015 was rough. Possibly the hardest most challenging year I’ve ever experienced. I learned so much in this last year, and honestly, I wish I had never learned some of it. But I did, I completed the year, and that alone is an amazing accomplishment.

In this last year i’ve been asked, “Are you okay?” More than I care to count, possibly somewhere in the triple digits. If that doesn’t give you the slightest idea of how my year went, then I don’t know what will. Now, I’m not saying that this year has been terrible, because it hasn’t. Rough? Yes, completely, but terrible? No, not at all.

Anyway, back on track, these past years i’ve struggled with depression, I still am. I struggled with the entire thought of living. I struggled with all my relationships. I had moments, longs spans of time, where i’d feel every terrible thing that had happened in my life, all at once, and then moments where i’d feel absolutely nothing at all. The worst part is the fact that I didn’t ask for help, I didn’t search for an answer, I didn’t even try to feel better. I became numb to the fact that I was hurting. The deadness I felt seemed almost normal to me.  For the longest time I fought it alone, completely alone. I didn’t trust God, I didn’t really trust anyone. I had lost hope.

I went through a lot and it all slowly added up, consuming me, making me the way I was, the way I am. I was stuck in this constant rut of depression and confusion for months, I felt I was broken. I reached a point where I was done. Physically, mentally, and emotionally I was drained, I couldn’t take it anymore.

I became so focused on trying to hide my bitterness, my anger, my sadness. I thought it was wrong and selfish for me to feel this way. I mean, I have a family, i’m healthy, so why was I complaining? Why was I so unhappy? For a while I hid all my emotions with a smile. I felt that my unhappiness was wrong? That it wasn’t okay for me to be so upset.  Then November rolled around, I realized that i’m never going to get any better if I don’t ask for help, if I don’t reach out, and do what I need to do. I needed to let myself hurt. I needed to stop hiding it. I needed to believe that it was okay to not be okay.

Later, one November day I was reading this poem that a friend wrote and it really opened my eyes. I learned that it’s truly okay to hurt, it’s okay to grieve, to have rough patches, to cry. But there’s going to comes a time where you’re going to have to pick yourself back up. The thing is, I knew I couldn’t pick myself up, not alone. I needed to trust God, I needed to believe and know that he is always there for me, waiting, with his arms stretched out.

In Isaiah it says,

 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,  for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you,  yes,  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

It says it right there, he WILL help. Now, I’m still not fixed, I’m still in that rough patch and I’m still trying to crawl out. Here’s where it may seem to get a little cliche.

It’s now January 2nd, 2016, and the challenge i’ve given myself is to get better. To learn that its okay to NOT be okay. That God will help, he wants to. He wants to strengthen you. Also, that hurting and grieving is okay, as long as it doesn’t consume you. Look back at Isaiah, it says he’ll strengthen and help. Remember that.

So, as this new year rolls along I’m going to try to heal, I’m going to try to not be okay when needed, and to be okay when I can. It’s okay to not be okay, it really is. I think not being okay is a part of  the healing process.

As you go into the new year change your perspective. Realize that it’s okay to not be okay. For those that are hurting, struggling, hiding their emotions, join me. Let God help you, be okay with not being okay.



You know those beautiful little moments people have? If not, you’ll know what I mean by the end of this writing. I’m slowly learning what my favorite things are in life, the things are that I enjoy. Now, I don’t mean things I enjoy such as Coffee, Friends, and warm fuzzy socks. I mean things that make me appreciate life, things I find truly beautiful.

Alright, like I previously stated about how i’m slowly finding those things that I love, this is where i’ll explain it. I love catching people in little moments in their life. Things that seem so insignificant, but when watching from a distance are truly beautiful. We all do things mindlessly, not knowing if anyones watching, and honestly not really caring if they are. The more I thought about this the more fascinated I became.

I was sitting in Starbucks the other day, so basic, I know. Anyway, I was just having time to myself taking in the surroundings when I saw this girl reading a book, I just couldn’t get over how perfect it was. These are the moments i’m talking about. I love seeing someone reading a book, watching their brow furrow while they imagine the scene they’re reading. Or the way someone’s hair falls in their face and without any thought, almost instinct, they will tuck the hair behind their ear. The moments where someone is scratching a fantom itch, while focusing on whatever it is they’re doing. Those are the moments. The moments where the person is so raw, when they’re mindlessly being themselves.

I think the reason I love those moments so much is because the people are acting the way God created them to be. They’re not ashamed of themselves, they’re not trying to impress anyone, or be something they’re not. They are just openly themselves, and I think that is so beautiful. I aim to be what people are in those moments. I aim to be myself and to never be ashamed of who God created me to be. Now, I am saying aiming, it’s not easy and I fall short far too often. But, nonetheless, i’m trying. I think that’s the way we should all behave, we should all be proud of who God created us to be.

Psalm 139:14 says,

“I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.”

That’s my challenge for you. Be my favorite moments. Be unique, be you, don’t be ashamed of who God made you to be. Just simply be. Thats what you’re doing as your brow furrows and that hair falls. In those moments you’re not trying to be anything but yourself. So just be yourself, be fully aware of how beautiful God’s creation, being you, is. Just be.

Love or respect?

So, the other day I went out to lunch with my mom, and like every restaurant I had to choose what I wanted to eat. That got me thinking about all the choices we have to make in life. There are so many choices we have to make, some of them being small ones like a White Mocha or a Pumpkin Spice Latte (pumpkin spice obviously), but there will be some that are much larger…

…like choosing to be loved or respected

You may not agree with all I have to say, and that’s alright…but here I go.

Love is an amazing thing! Trust me, I do know that! It’s talked about constantly in the bible:

1 Corinthians 16:14 “Do everything in love.”

1 John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us.”

Those are just a few examples, so I do know how important it is to love! But respect is so so so important! Do you want to know why I believe this? Because, love without respect, is always short-lived! If you have respect, that true respect, it could grow into love!  

Matthew 21:37 says,

Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said. 

It says that they will respect him, it doesn’t say that they will love him. Respect. It says they will respect him. That respect could potentially grow into love, but it must simply start as respect. 

So, maybe I went a bit off topic from “choices” to this one large choice, “love or respect,” but I felt it was something that needed to be said. I feel that in this time in age, people aren’t being respected or loved as they should? As if love and respect were tossed aside and ignored.

I hope you understand what I’m trying to say, and that you’re not offended. Because I do believe that love is so important and that you should love others, but respect is important as well. Just think about what I said, and next time you have to make a choice, even if it’s just at Starbucks, try to remember respect over love. Always. Respect can turn into love, but you can’t have long lasting love without respect.

Matthew 21:37

1 Corinthians 16:14

1 John 4:19


Confidence, confidence is key. I know most of us don’t like that word, which I find quite sad. That’s the problem though, we need to learn to LOVE that word!

We were created in the image of God, so why do we constantly bash ourselves and judge our bodies? I mean, how do you think that makes God feel? 

 Let’s say you have a 5 year old son, he comes home one day with this painting he made, and he’s SO PROUD of it! When he asks you what you think you’d say something along the lines of, “Wow, that’s awesome bud, great job!” You wouldn’t judge it or talk badly if it, right? So, why would we do that to God? 

 He created US in HIS image! We are his piece of art that was brought home to showcase! Yet, all we do is judge it…We need to change that. We need to let confidence spark inside of us once again and learn to love Gods art. We need to say “That’s awesome bud, great job!” Confidence, HAVE CONFIDENCE

Song of Solomon 4:7 says, 

 “You are altogether beautiful my darling; there is no flaw in you.” 

 I thinks that is so beautiful! I mean, it’s written right there! There is no flaw in you! Believe it!

 Now, I’m not saying I’m perfect at this, because i’m not! This is something I need to learn too. I think this is SO SO SO important though, to learn to have confidence and love God’s creation! Learn to love yourself! 

                                -Hannah Parker